
2019: A Foreword and Survey

4k-wallpaper-close-up-colorful-1173576Welcome to 2019!  We are excited to bring you all up to speed with what we have in the works.

This year, we are continuing our programme offerings of PRYSM (Pride Youth Social Movement) and Parenting With Pride.  We also look forward to meeting more of you at our casual Community Coffee and Pride in the Pub events.

Very exciting, we are planning a big celebration for Pride Month!  We are still hammering out details, but we will be telling you all about it shortly.  In conjunction with that, we will be doing a call for volunteers and financial sponsors.  Finally, all you folks who send us the heartening notes of, “Please, what can I do?” will have an answer!  We are a small group of volunteers, just six of us, and we will be relying heavily on all of our wonderful community members to help us ensure this event is a huge success!

brand-trademark-cobblestones-community-609771Now here’s where I need you all right now.  We are trying to figure out how to reach some of the younger members of our community and their parents.  We know that there are kiddos out there who are gender creative, particularly elementary aged and younger.  So how do we reach them?  How can we start that conversation and help ensure that those families are supported and find their own community?  Would a specific Gender-Creative Evening be helpful?  Maybe a night where parents and their kiddos can come and meet us and each other?

What else is there?  What else do you want?  What partnerships do you want to see from us?  How should we communicate with our community?

Let us know!  And welcome to 2019!  May we rush into this year with all the grace and gusto we can manage!

❤ Kayla

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